Monday, September 30, 2019

Christian Perspective on Counseling Essay

This is a personal theory paper which focuses on the Christian perspective; it involves the integration of faith and scripture into the personal counseling process. It discusses personality structures, individual differences and the motivations that guide and push the human person. Included is a contextual definition of health and the factors that cause illness. They are understood by using psychological techniques in concurrence with Biblical truths. Employing a theological worldview for counseling helps a therapist’s awareness of the innermost complexities of a client and enables them to be an effective guide towards the path of hope and healing. Introduction Counseling is centrally and critically a relationship between people who care (Crabb, 1977). It is essential that a psychotherapist develop a genuine desire for the well-being of a client. This is an ideal arrangement for which a Christian counselor can flourish, because â€Å"Every Christian is called to a ministry of encouraging and helping others (Crabb, 1977)†. Although an atmosphere of caring and encouragement is not limited to Christians it is ideal to integrate psychology and Christian spirituality to most effectively aid clients. Personality Personality structure and components There are many theories involving the structure of the human personality. One is the theory presented by Dr. Ron E. Hawkins (2006a). In this theory, Dr. Hawkins likens each individual to many concentric circles. Every circle is affected by the other circles but every one has its own distinctive characteristics. This structure can best elucidate the complexities that exist inside an individual. The boundaries between circles can help determine the source of each dilemma and each circle provides a different approach to problem-solving. The first circle is the innermost circle of a person and encapsulates the very essence of being human. It is in this most personal circle that the Holy Spirit inhabits within each believer, as supported by the biblical quote â€Å"The kingdom of God is within you† (Luke 17:21). Also included in this circle are the options of free-will and the concept of original sin. The original sin is common to all human beings as maintained by Paul when he writes his letter to the Romans and utters, â€Å"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God† (Romans 3:23). It must be noted that outside of issues involving deliverance, there is not much that can be dealt with in this circle by human intervention. Instead, if a problem really reverberates from this circle it must be surrendered in strong faith to the hands of God. The next circle encloses the soul, feeling, and cognitive aspects of the human being. For most clients looking for counseling, this is the circle that receives the most focus. It is in this circle that emotional and psychological troubles not originating from biological sources resonate. The next circle in this theory of personality makeup is the biological circle. This circle consists of the biological processes and focuses on the wellness of the physical human body. Problems in this circle include chemical imbalance which is the failure to normalize the chemicals in the brain, resulting in problems like obsession, anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, and insomnia. Problems in this circle are more likely to have physical sources, like physical trauma or abuse. The next circle is another prevailing source of problems dealt with in counseling. The temporal circle, it is the beginning of external focused aspects. In this circle, external environmental structures like society and culture have a significant influence on the individual. Societal values and cultural expectations will always have an impact on personality development. Society, friends, family, and church are examples of the temporal systems that must be dealt with when counseling people. Learning who the client is responsible to and what he is responsible for is essential to developing personal responsibility (Cloud & Townsend, 1992). Additionally, the influences of the client’s family system are dealt with in this circle. The Bible supports this, â€Å"fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord† (Ephesians 6:4). Many problems can be rooted from the effects of family and environment The final circle of the human personality structure is the circle of the supernatural. This includes the archetypal epic struggle between good and evil, demons and angels. Despite this concept it is important to keep in mind that â€Å"our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms† (Ephesians 6:12). The Bible states that demonic power is a real and it would be imprudent to disregard its potential. Spiritual forces have a great impact on personality development and it cannot be excluded from the growth process Motivation There are five basic propositions about motivation: [1] human beings are all motivated to seek our needs, [2] motivational energy is channeled through the mind and results in specific behavior, [3] motivated behavior is always directed towards a goal, [4] when a goal is perceived to be impossible a state of disequilibrium exists, and finally, [5] all behavior is motivated and all behavior makes sense (Crabb, 1986). Motivation is a drive toward security and significance, with these thoughts in mind, Dr. Crabb details that the definitive goal of counseling is to â€Å"free people to better worship and serve God by helping them become more like the Lord† (1977). Individual differences In counseling, the level of maturity of each client must be assessed. Individuals are in the process of ‘moving over’ and ‘moving up’, clients differ in as to where they are in the process of dealing with presenting problems in a manner consistent with scripture and developing a Christ-like character (Crabb, 1977). Perhaps the most important reason that accounts for individual differences is that God provided free will to His creation. This free will makes each person unique and not merely a puppet with predetermined actions. Alteration of procedure used in counseling is necessary when dealing with different types of people. Some clients should be approached in a feeling level while others should be led spiritually. Cognitive based personalities are best dealt with on the thinking level and those suffering from physical disabilities are helped first with their tangible needs (Hawkins, 2006). Health A contextual explanation of health All counselors should want their clients to become healthy. According to McMinn (1996), the three factors that determine health are: accurate awareness of self, accurate awareness of needs and involvement in healthy relationships. Basing self-worth on the word of God is an effective strategy; to be able to create a self-image based on the unconditional love of Christ is a helpful direction for people who are injured in the different psychological aspects of their lives. McGee (1992) states, â€Å"changing our beliefs from false beliefs to the truths of God’s Word will assist us in experiencing more appropriate emotions and thereby will change the way we respond†. Helping clients to become more Christ-like in seeking self-worth and happiness is the goal of Christian counseling. A contextual explanation of illness The sources of illness are biological, cognitive, emotional and spiritual. Biological are often the easiest to identify they have physical signs that can be studied. Biological illnesses include physical sickness, chemical imbalances, and traumatic abuse. Typically, biological problems can be treated with medications or removal of the source of problem. For instance, physical trauma caused by an abusive husband involves treatment wherein the first step is to remove the victim from the abusive relationship. The cognitive aspect is the area of focus for most counseling therapies. Many problems that counselors must contend with relate to cognitive disorders, including depression, anxiety, guilt, and fear. The illnesses with a cognitive source are of critical concern as they are often more difficult to treat than biological illnesses. Emotional causes must also be considered. Sandra Wilson’s (2001) mantra of Hurt People Hurt People explains how emotional damage begets more emotional damage. Out of wounded emotions, people repeat the same torture to those they are closest to. Finally, illnesses can also be of a spiritual character. In order to be successful and productive counselors â€Å"we have to learn to distinguish between organic or psychological mental illness and a spiritual battle for the mind,† (Anderson, 2000). Spiritual illnesses stem from sin, a lack of faith, and destructive influences. Anderson (2000) advises, â€Å"Don’t think Satan is no longer interested in manipulating your mind in order to accomplish his purposes. Satan’s perpetual aim is to infiltrate your thoughts with his thoughts and to promote his lie in the face of God’s truth. He knows that if he can control you thoughts, he can control your life† Therapeutic Involvement Techniques, methods The Bible provides excellent guidance in various aspects of life; it is an excellent source for every Christian counselor. Accordingly, â€Å"all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness† (2 Timothy 3:16-17). In a helping relationship, techniques are used to help the client reach the point of change. One approach that Christian counselors should not be without is prayer. Craigie and Tan (as cited in McMinn, 1996) write, â€Å"Indeed, praying with clients that they may be liberated from resistant misbeliefs, that they may be empowered to do the truth, and that they may come into a deeper relationship with the truth can sometimes be a most powerful experience†. The use of scripture in therapy sessions is useful in integrating God’s Truths to a client’s mindset. The use of the technique miracle question is helpful; this is a method of questioning which begins by helping the client imagine a situation wherein, overnight, a miracle happens that solves all their familial problems. The client has to define what differences they would observe to prove that a miracle had taken place. This is vital in making the client realize how vastly improved their relationships will be when the problems are resolved and defines the goal they aim to achieve. The method of Scaling questions is another tool used to rate the client’s current state, with zero/one being the most ideal and ten being the worst, this facilitates the therapist in identifying factors that prevents them from moving up the scale and recognizes what pushes them down. This is helpful in shifting the client’s focus from problems to solutions. The goal of therapy is promoting a high level of self-worth; the therapist must introduce genuineness into the environment by omitting shame from the process. This can be supplemented with compliments and positive encouragement by vocalizing admirable traits; it is a helpful exercise that generates an atmosphere of goodwill more conducive to problem solving. Hawkins (2006b) identifies the first in counseling step as own having an understanding of the real problem. Then, he goes on to reality testing. From there, a plan of action is formulated and the client is occupied with taking tenure to this plan of action and accepting accountability for its conclusion. Lastly, the counselor helps in building support and responsibility into the process of transformation concerning the client. A good cognitive counseling approach is to focus on the inner-voice and truth. The inner-voice is often constructed as a direct result of the temporal and supernatural circles in which an individual develops. In destructive or less-than-ideal relationships, the individual can develop spiteful and untruthful concepts about themselves which are constantly conveyed by the inner-voice. An understanding of truthful reality, often combating the untrue inner-voice, is critical for change. As Dr. Backus and Dr. Chapian explain, â€Å"locating and identifying pain-causing fabrications plus learning the factual reality-based truth† is therapeutic and critical for healing (2000). Expectations in success Counselors can measure success of counseling by evaluating the client’s progress in the accurate awareness of self or needs and by determining if they are participating in healing relationships (McMinn, 1996). McMinn’s affirms that, â€Å"A more careful look suggests that spiritual and psychological health require a confident sense of self, an awareness of human need, and limitations, and confiding interpersonal relationships with God and others† (1996). Real success in psychotherapy is measured by advancement not perfection. Worldview Dimensions Every individual possesses a worldview whether or not they recognize it. For example, the temporal system an individual develops in will have significant impacts on the individual’s worldview. Someone who was raised in a war torn environment with rampant violence and lawlessness will have a different set of moral code than a person is raised in a secure and peaceable community. These worldviews affect the progress in counseling; worldviews differ from person to person and may include science, perception or the Bible. It is imperative for the Christian counselor to have a broad perception of what his/her worldview consists of. The Biblical worldview filters pertinent information through the sieve of God’s Word. Since all issues are not addressed in Scripture, to sift means to see if the issue lines up with God’s Word (Collins, 2001). Uniting psychology, spirituality, and theology encompasses all the components of human behavior necessary to assess functioning (McMinn, 1996). Conclusion The integration of spirituality and theological scriptures to counseling provides a panoramic view of how psychotherapy can progress. The Bible must be used as a reference in choosing ideologies, techniques or processes to integrate in a personal theory. The use of solutions-based therapy, also referred to as ‘solution focused therapy’ or ‘brief therapy’, is a type of talking therapy that is based upon social constructionist philosophy. It includes miracle and scaling questions. It focuses on what clients want to achieve through therapy. The approach focuses on the present and hopes for future, because as Dr. Worthington explains, â€Å"hope provides the motivation to work† (1999). Cognitive therapy can be used most effectively in Christian counseling because the cognitive approach is imperative in changing the client’s self-awareness by challenging negative thoughts and untruths. Cognitive therapy helps unchain the client from unrealistic expectations by perceiving and revising the pointless difficulties they place on themselves. Understanding the components of human personality through the theory of concentric circles is important in developing a complete strategy for helping individuals change. Recognition of an integrated model that considers the scripture of Christian teachings is a potent tool in wrestling against the dysfunction residing in a client’s life. Resources Anderson, N. (2000). The bondage breaker. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. Backus, William and Chapian, Marie. (2000). Telling yourself the truth. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers Cloud, H. & Townsend, J. (1992). Boundaries: When to say yes when to say no to take control of your life. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Collins, G. (2001). The Biblical basis of Christian counseling for people helpers. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress Publishing Group. Crabb, Larry. (1977). Effective biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christians become capable counselors. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Hawkins, Ron E. (Speaker). (2006). Model for guiding the counseling process. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University. Hawkins, R. E. (Producer). (2006b). Grid for tracking process [Motion picture]. (Available from Liberty university, 1971 University Boulevard, Lynchburg, VA 24502) Worthington, Everett L. (1999). Hope-focussed marriage counseling. Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press Greece. McGee, R. (1992). Search for significance: Build your self worth on the forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Nashville, TN: LifeWay Press. McMinn, M. (1996). Psychology, theology and spirituality in Christian counseling. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wilson, S. (2001). Hurt people hurt people: Hope and healing for yourself and your relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Discovery House Publishers.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Silk Road

The Silk Road was a trade network the connected the East to the West on the Eurasian continent. This trade included both overland and maritime routes. The central Asian kingdoms and peoples became the nexus point for much of this trade which lasted from the 3rd century B. C. E. to the 15th century C. E. Many products and other cultural expressions moved along the Silk Road and diffused among various kingdoms along it. In breaking down and separating the patterns of interaction that occurred along the Silk Road from 200 B. C. E. to 1450 C. E. one can conclude that changes and continuities in these interactions included products traded (changes in specific products and impact, continuity in luxury goods), cultural expressions and diffusion (changes in artistic expressions and societal impacts, continuity in diffusion), and religion (changes in the religions that traveled and impact, continuity in spread of religion along the trade route ). One of the patterns of interaction along the S ilk Road was in the products that were traded. The Silk Road trade system was created by interactions between Han China in the 2nd century B. C. E. nd their western neighbors when an expedition for alliances to deal with a pesky neighbor turned into something else. The first product traded for on the Silk Road were Ferghana horses that the Chinese leader of the expedition Zhang Qian brought back with him which stimulated a trade between the Han and Central Asia for these fine war horses . In return, Central Asian kingdoms began to see various Chinese goods such as silk but also jades, medicinal herb, bronze and other luxury goods. This trade continued throughout the first four centuries of the timeframe with more groups getting involved in the lucrative trade. Indian spices and cotton, European gold and silver, and Central Asian horses and camels all started being acquired by each other . With the fall of both the Han and Roman empires by the 476 CE, the trade declined due to less demand and merchant’s fear of trading on less protected routes . The rise of the Tang Empire in the 7th century C. E. , along with a stabilized Byzantine empire in the West, led to a renewed vigor as well as the Abbasid caliphate in the Middle East led to stabilized trade routes again . From the East, paper and porcelain begin to appear. The stirrup appears out of the Middle East and influences both Europe and China. In Europe it creates the medieval feudal knights because they can now stay seated and weld a long lance without fear of being unseated. A similar emphasis is put on heavy cavalry in China for the same reasons as Europe . Europe continues to export gold and silver from the West because it was what was valued heavily by eastern merchants as a medium of exchange (pretty much accepted everywhere ). By the 10th century C. E. China was in decline again under the Song dynasty and lost control over much of the central and northwestern parts of the trade route. They began to emphasize more the of the southern maritime routes and thus because of this invent the maritime compass that will make its way across to the West and later lead to an age of discovery with Portugal at the end of this timeframe circa 1450 C. E. beginning to search out another maritime route d irectly to Asia by exploring the African coast using Chinese inspired compasses and Islamic maps of the Indian Ocean . With arrival of the Mongol conquests in the 1200s C. E. , once again the Silk Road has a sponsor to protect the merchants and trade thrives between East Asia, the Islamic Middle East and Europe . Silk, porcelain, and paper continue to come from the East along with gunpowder. Gunpowder now shows up on the Silk Road because of the Mongols taking it from China and using it in a more direct fashion in its conquests . Cannon now appear at the end of the timeframe being used by the Ottoman’s in their conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and by the Portuguese on their caravel ships . Central and South Asian products still include spices and animals but now cotton also begins to appear within the trade out of India . Because the Mongols controlled so much territory from China to Russia and the Middle East (they conquered Baghdad and overthrew the Abbasid caliphate), the Silk Road prospered like no other time and products flowed freely from East to West . A continuity throughout the timeframe was the fact that luxury goods usually drove the trade. Because products had to travel such great distances and thus there were so many middle men, only the very wealthy could partake of the trade . That is why gold and silver were preferred exchange mediums for the trade of silk and other fine eastern products . Another pattern of interaction was cultural expression and diffusion . In the early part of the timeframe (200 B. C. E. -1450 CE), there was very little cultural influence occurring . This is because intermediaries carried on the trade between the Han and Roman empires and the two imperial powers really had no contact directly with each other . During the Tang dynasty in the middle of the timeframe, this actually changes. Persian dance and the game of polo are introduced in China as well as musical and clothing styles which become popular . Chinese paper influenced the Islamic and European medieval periods with written works now becoming more the norm in saving and transmitting cultural knowledge such as written bibles, histories, math and other intellectual discoveries . At the end of the timeframe during the 13th through 15th centuries the Mongols were instrumental in the dissemination of knowledge throughout the Middle East territory they controlled. Islamic scholars in all fields have their works spread from Europe to China . In Europe, a Renaissance emerges due to reconnection to Silk Road trade because of the Crusades which began in the 10th century and continued into the 13th century. Crusaders reconnected with Eastern luxury goods such as spices and cloth but were also culturally influenced when they saw large vibrant, urban cities . It changed their outlook on life in general. Some ancient works such as the Greeks were re-introduced due to reconnection with the Byzantine Empire and the Abbasid caliphate . Also eastern works were transmitted along the Silk Road thus inspiring Muslim and European scholars. The works of Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo become hits in Europe and the Muslim world because they opened the eyes of the people to the broader world that existed. Marco Polo actually traveled under protection of the Mongol Khan while Battuta traveled in the Muslim realm due to his being more comfortable in Arabic speaking kingdoms that practiced his form of religion . The station of merchants also changed by the end of the period in China because of the Mongols. During the Han period and other dynasties, Confucian principles kept merchants at the bottom the social hierarchy. Because the Mongols valued the profits they could generate, merchants under the Yuan period held much higher stations in life . A continuity in this period was the constant cultural diffusion that took place as intermediaries engaged one another and kingdoms became acquainted with each other. Lifestyles changed and peoples were introduced to new knowledge throughout the period. Religion, art, and knowledge were continually diffused throughout the history of the Silk Road . The last pattern of interactions that was evident on the Silk Road was that of religion . Trade was a great disseminator of culture along the routes of trade and religion was one of those cultural traits that spread throughout the period. Three major religions spread along the Silk Road- Christianity, Buddhism and Islam . Buddhism appeared early on the Silk Road in roughly the first century B. C. E. It was forced out of India due to its rejection by the Hindu majority but found homes in places like Tibet, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia . Many steppe peoples adopted it because it fit into their animistic religions of a universal spirit. Lower class people and women adopted it due to its equalitarian nature and its promise of an afterlife . It spread throughout the timeframe appearing in China and Japan during the Tang dynasty and being reinforced in places like Tibet and Mongolia when the Mongols adopted it . Christianity also spread along the trade routes in Western Asia but was blocked from spreading any farther eastward than the Byzantine Empire due to the rise of Islam in the middle of the period during the 7th and 8th centuries . Because of the adoption of Islam by the Il-Khan khanate, Islam would make its way into southern China by the end of the period in the 14th and 15th centuries . Christianity and Buddhism were spread by missionaries while Islam was primarily spread by merchants and by the sword. Buddhism as stated earlier continually spread throughout the period and found refuge primarily in Central, East, and Southeast Asia . It did not spread westward due to Islam and Christianity having hold on western Asia and Europe . In conclusion, there were several patterns of interaction on the Silk Road due to the many different cultures that interacted on it. It influenced cultural expressions, spread of religion, and as well as products and ideas that changed many cultures such as the stirrup and gunpowder to name a couple. These interactions were not all positive however in that one of the byproducts of this trade led to the spread of bubonic plague from China to Europe. The Black Death as it was called in Europe is one of the reasons that Silk Road trade diminished as well as the isolationist policies of the Ming emperors who abhorred all things â€Å"foreign† and the collapse of the Mongol empire due to internal fragmentation. Trade systems such as the trans-Saharan trade and the Indian Ocean maritime system had many of the same cultural impacts as the Silk Road and in total created early global networks of trade .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ethical Banking in UK Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Ethical Banking in UK - Research Proposal Example This is interesting because the financial sector as a whole is reported to be reeling from the aftereffects of the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US, the continued depreciation of the US dollar and rising global inflation. In fact, major banks and financial institutions around the world were reported to have suffered losses reaching $435 billion in July 2008, with many banks experiencing severe liquidity problems. Is it possible that ethical banking shields its practitioners from negative external factors We aim to find out the answer to this question. Business ethics in general is the application of moral principles in the making of business decisions (Rushton, 2002)), such that it places a premium on social responsibility. This responsibility represents the positive actions or responses that a company takes to fulfill its responsibilities towards its stakeholders, to the environment and to society as a whole. In the view of some economists, however, there is one and only social responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits. Thus, when firms experience resource shortages as to threaten their very existence, they attack this problem by cheating on their social responsibility. ... That way, the firms give the false impression that they comply with the rules. To address internal resource shortages, such as inadequate capacity and expertise, they overestimate costs, falsify training records, pay excessive compensation and give undeserved promotions. To address external shortages, such as lack of raw materials, they arrange unethical deals with suppliers or service providers. These activities are taboo to ethical banks. 2. Aim & Objectives2.1 Aim Examine how the operations of ethical banks in UK differ from those of their counterparts in the conventional banking sector to see if the former thrive because of ethical banking or in spite of it. 2.2 Objectives (1) Measure the performance of ethical banks in economic terms to see if it is a feasible or reasonable line of business. (2) Observe how ethical banks compete with conventional banks in terms of profitability, size of clients and quality of service. (3) Discover the reasons that made the owners of ethical banks decide to go into this line of banking. Business ethics in general is the application of moral principles in the making of business decisions (Rushton, 2002)), such that it places a premium on social responsibility. This responsibility represents the positive actions or responses that a company takes to fulfill its responsibilities towards its stakeholders, to the environment and to society as a whole. In the view of some economists, however, there is one and only social responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits. Thus, when firms experience resource shortages

Friday, September 27, 2019

Industry Anaylsis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industry Anaylsis - Research Paper Example Being the world’s second biggest tobacco company around the globe in terms of sales, the British American Tobacco plc remains one of the most successful companies not only in Britain but also around the globe. As one of the most successful companies in the tobacco industries, BAT has a marketing leading advantage in more than 50 countries around the globe. Its main brands are Kent, Pall Mall, Dunhill and Lucky Strike. By the year 2012, BAT had a market capitalization of more than  £65.6  billion, which makes it among the biggest companies to be listed on the LSE. The company’s shared value and mission is to remain a developing innovative by producing less risky nicotine and tobacco products. One of the successes of the company is the launch of e-cigarette Vype in the United Kingdom markets (The European tobacco control report 2007, 2007). As for its suppliers, the British American Tobacco Company is working with more than 100,000 farmers on sustainable practices. Additionally, the company seeks to protect its leaf supply over a long-term. The company also seeks to help in improving both the environmental and social impacts of growing tobacco. The company has a sustainable supply chain, which generally covers its operations that includes trade marketing, logistics and manufacturing. However, the company does not have its own tobacco farms but instead; it provides agronomy support to its extensive smallholder farmers around the globe. The company is currently producing tobacco products on a large scale around the globe. The company boosts of more than 46 cigarette companies around the world. The tie between the company and the tobacco market continues to be strong each year. This is evident by its market capitalization around the globe. By the year 2012, BAT had a market capitalization of more than  £65.6  billion, which lists the company among the biggest companies around the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Restoration. Michael Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Restoration. Michael - Essay Example The arrangement of the essay is also impeccable since he proposed solutions as well as the realities of their adoption are detailed following the student’s pointing out of the unsustainable monetary schemes that BP has set up to possibly mitigate the severe environmental, economic and even social challenges that resulted from the collapse of the Deep Water Oil rig. These include environmental alteration processes that seek to undo the damages of oil and any other environmental challenges. The essay however has two main challenges. The first one is the overly casual manner in which it is written making it appear to be more of an informal discussion of the matter at hand. The student barely follows the rules of grammar in this text leading to a number of spelling errors in the essay. Another mistake that was made is the mention of organizations purely by means of their acronyms. These include BP and NOAA which stand for British Petroleum and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. If the student minimizes on these minor issue, his or her essays will definitely improve in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Employee Reinstatement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employee Reinstatement - Essay Example Asthmatic Oshawa, an employee in the Ontario automotive parts manufacturing plant is an example of employee dissatisfaction. The employer never met the terms and conditions agreed in the employer-employee contract. I do not agree with the employer’s decision of firing the employee regardless of the medical evidence. The grievor’s doctor records said that the employee could return to work although careful measures were necessary to avoid reinjures. The employer could return him to work and make sure that his working environment is safe from those factors that could facilitate worsening of his condition; for example, ensuring effective ventilation and clean air, inspection in the working environment to ensure everything is all right. This will avoid putting the health of the employee and others at risk. The employer should allow the employees to make their own decision in resigning or returning to work. The employer must take the responsibility because it is simply ethical and the right thing to do. The decision of firing the employee will have negative implications for the organization and other employees. It will destroy the corporate image of the organization in the society and this will directly affect the market. This is by scaring away its customers and its stakeholders. In addition, the unethical action can affect the other employees by discouraging their efforts. This will reflect directly on the organization’s production.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Position On A Healthcare Or Social Issue Essay

My Position On A Healthcare Or Social Issue - Essay Example ld be afforded quality healthcare is the main concern and how to go about it when most of these individuals are employed secretively without contributions to major healthcare services. From a personal view, I believe illegal immigrants should be granted the same quality healthcare provisions as the American citizen regardless of their financial or career status. There are many risks associated with hospitals and clinical environments when dealing with illegal immigrants, as many diverse demographics of immigrants do not have access to the same variety of healthcare providers as those who contribute weekly to such programs through their place of employment. The risks include non-payment after services have been rendered or simply having this group exploit the system through fraudulent activities. Even though there are failsafes to prevent this, in areas of the country where there are concentrated populations of immigrants, this becomes a significant concern especially for the self-practicing physician networks that rely on timely revenues from patients. Illegal immigrants, especially certain ethnic groups, have large family networks either domestically-born or travelling as a group into the country without governmental support. Poor wages and lack of access to quality healthcare providers, such as Health Alliance Plan or Blue Care Network, bring into question whether or not these large family groups will be pursuing medical treatment on an ongoing basis as part of preventative care services. There is already over-crowding in certain clinical environments which puts tremendous strain on physicians and patients alike, thus these immigrants pose risks to the general community population. However, the reason I feel so strongly about the importance of providing healthcare to this group, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds, is due to my personal beliefs on the ethical value of human beings. The American healthcare system is one of the most advanced in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Stragetic Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Stragetic Management - Case Study Example In the long run, they have to convert the brand switchers into their own brand loyal. To meet this objective and to retain the loyal customers, relationship marketing is believed to be of immense help to firms. The effective use of CRM will ensure customer loyalty and convert them into lifelong consumers of the product. CRM is one among the many steps of customerization. The focus of CRM is to establish relationship with customers on an individual and personalized basis and then to treat different customers differently based on their expectations. CRM is the key to success in the present era and it has become the order of the day that customers are given personalized attention and only those organizations can succeed who have been able to build a base of their loyal customers. As per estimate, the cost of affecting a new customer is five times more in comparison to making an existing customer happy. In the present report, an attempt is made to prepare a CRM plan and discuss how effec tively it can be used to attain more customer base and support. Parcel Force Industry, a U K based parcel company is the firm discussed in the report. Parcelforce Worldwide is a leading provider of guaranteed express deliveries. The company has been serving it loyal customers for over 14 years, which provides a vital link for British businesses needing to send express shipments internationally and in the UK. Parcelforce Worldwide is the trade name of the Royal Mail Group. The company is being driven by its commitment and dedication to serve the customers by delivering the high quality services for over 30,000 customers across the country. Over the years there have been many changes in the company's environment- internally, externally and internationally. Many competitors have come up by posing threats and thereby prompting the company to deliver high quality services to the customers. Over the last few years parcel industry in the U K has been transformed into a stage where the customers have many choices to get their goods/ materials reached the desired points. This competitive situation made the company to rethink about its appr oach of marketing and attitude towards consumers. Now the company is striving to attain more loyal customers by delivering high quality services at fair and reasonable price.Executive Summary Because of the development in the parcel industry in the UK and mushrooming of many new players, the business of existing players including Parcelforce worldwide has been affected drastically. Moreover, the switch over of firms from conventional product oriented approach of marketing to customer oriented approach has compounded the situation worse than ever before. Companies have realized that those with less attention to customers are likely to lose customers and eventually lose business. This tendency among the major players tempted them to adopt a new approach of marketing. They have been, rightly mentioned, forced to change over to more customer-centric marketing strategies. In this context, the present report examines how Parcelforce Worldwide can introduce Customer Relationship Management as its new marketing strategy. The report further addresses various key issues that the firm should take care of in the implementation of CRM as a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Individual Power Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual Power Plan - Term Paper Example By definition, personal or individual sense of power denotes the capacity of an individual to persuade or manipulate others (Lusssier and Kimball, 2013). My current sense of power within my organisation is patented by the constructive associations or relationships I have formed with other nurses, as well as other individuals involved in the provision of care. This I have achieved through an all-inclusive form of leadership that enhances motivation within the workplace. As a result of these relationships, nurses respect my decisions and approach me for directions and advice in relation to provision of care to patients and the community in general. In doing so, I have been able to influence their behaviours, manipulate their activities, and have also been able to persuade them to support my decisions. There are numerous factors that motivate people to increase or enhance their power base. A good example is the fact that employees prefer to work for powerful leaders. The notion that power is imperative in influencing and persuading others is motivation enough to strive to increase individual power base (Paynton, 2008). Subsequently, there are many ways that a leader in the nursing profession can enhance his or her individual power. According to Lusssier and Kimball (2013), "Power is gained only with time, experience, success, and the increasing respect of your colleagues" (p. 246). To enhance my power base as a nurse and leader therefore, it would be imperative to enhance individual competency through building superior relationships with co-workers, and improve on people skills. One of the important strategies for achieving this plan is networking. Pfeffer (2010) posits that linking and forming connections with other influential individuals in the nursing profession is of significance in order to ensure support is attained when necessary. Secondly, rewarding individual nurses who perform well in their duties and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pepsi One Case Study Journal Essay Example for Free

Pepsi One Case Study Journal Essay PepsiCo, along with Coca-Cola, are two firms dominating the U. S beverage market with almost 76% collectively in 1998. This rivalry became more serious as PepsiCo released Pepsi One in order to increase its market. By properly applying the market audit, Pepsi One has succeeded in expanding the market, considered as a Pepsi core displays. Business structures of rivals, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola are virtually similar. As customers demand delicious products, firms have turned to marketing service companies, reducing their role as manufacturers. Its American operations have been transformed into sales and development markets. Innovation and technology departments are established, taking responsibilities of generating new products, packaging, and equipment. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have the same business objectives which are strengthening brand image, expanding market, and beating their rivals in the beverage market, particularly for carbonated soft-drinks. PepsiCo’s marketing goal was to enhance customer’s awareness of its brand image, inform them about its new products, and reduce the consumer resistance to buy the products. In order to obtain these goals, PepsiCo has applied the market audit. Basing on the current results, it was founded that beverages with cola flavor witnessed a downward trend in sale as the customers were expecting a better tasting soft-drink. Hence, the concept for the new product was to develop a low-calorie drink that was similar to sugared soft-drink while avoiding the bitter aftertaste. Subsequently, by utilizing market analysis, particularly market segmentation and market targeting, the marketing department figured out who was going to be Pepsi One’s market. Pepsi One was then considered as a soft-drink for young men in their 20s and 30s who are afraid of the word diet and the bitter aftertaste. By conducting these tests, Pepsi believed their new product would reach a whole new audience. The role of marketing department in achieving PepsiCo’s marketing goals was undeniable since it is important to comprehend the market trend before launching a new product, the innovation and technology departments also had a significant role because being creative and to differentiate the products is markedly demanded in a highly competitive market. These departments advocated Pepsi One by using a unique marketing strategy to capture the market. At this point, the chairman of PepsiCo (1997) claimed â€Å"This is a real-time business, and we’re going to be a real-time company†. It is clear that Pepsi One flourished due to the contribution of these two departments. In conclusion, Pepsi One has succeeded in the soft-drink market. This is derived from understanding the market through market audit and using an appropriate market strategy. Pepsi One has helped its firm to gain the market and beat its rival Coca-Cola at low calorie soft-drink market.

Friday, September 20, 2019

User authentication

User authentication Introduction I was appointed as the new Network Manager for Philadelphia Inc. It is a large multinational organisation which has an extensive network of PCs comprising more than 1000 systems. This organisation relies heavily on its vast network for its day to day operation. Any potential risks need to be identified and minimised as far as possible. Recently a large number of PCs were affected by a virus, causing a work stoppage among the administration and accounting department. Following this incident of large scale virus infection, the company management has decided to completely review all the computer security precautions and procedures in use within the organisation. So, I have been designed to ensure that I can identify potential threats to the security of the organisation’s network and formulate appropriate action plans and security policies to minimise the risks. Research and document the various aspects of network security that need to be addressed including each of the following topics: Access control User authentication Firewalls Virus protection Accessing the Internet (15 Marks) I’m research and document the various aspects of network security that need to be addressed. Access control Access control is the methods for imposing controls that allow or deny user access to network resources, usually based on a user’s account or a group to which the user belongs. Access control is security features that determine which resources users are permitted to access, what type of access they are allowed, and how many simultaneous users can access a resource at the same time. They ensure data privacy and protection and help maintain a productive computing environment. User authentication User authentication is a security feature that allows an administrator to control who has access to the network and what users can do after they are logged on to the network. This might involve confirming the identity of a person, the origins of an object, or assuring that a computer program is a trusted one. Authentication is the process of determining the identity of a network user by verifying a set of user credentials, typically a user ID and password. Firewalls A firewall is a combination of hardware and software components that provide a protective barrier between networks with different security levels. Rules for transmitting and receiving information to and from the other network can be established for the firewall so that specific types of items or addresses are not allowed to pass between the networks. It sits between the computer and the rest of the network, and according to some criteria, it decides which communication to allow, and which communication to block. Firewalls protect a computer or network from unauthorised access and attacks designed to cripple network or computer performance. Moreover, it is also a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria. Virus protection Virus protection means securing data from viruses that is designed to destroy data or make the computer or network operate inefficiently. Computer viruses are the programs that must be triggered or executed before they can infect the computer system and spread to others. Viruses can then be spread by sharing infected files on a network drive, portable drive, or other media, by exchanging infected files over the internet via e-mail attachments, or by downloading debatable files from the internet. Accessing the internet Accessing the internet is the telephone communication system that also covers the world linking telephones together. As with the telephone system, each device attached to the network can be reached through a unique code that represents that device’s location. The telephone system access and services are supplied to phone users by an array of competing local, long-distance, and wireless telephone companies, access to the internet is also supplied through a number of access and hosting companies using an array of different connectivity methods. A user in your company calls to report that she’s unable to log on to email. You respond with a couple of quick questions. Because you know that no one else is using the network right now, you cannot determine if the problem is unique to her machine or if the problem affects the entire network. Probing further, you also learn that she’s unable to print. You decide this problem is probably easier to troubleshoot from the user’s computer. Using the structured troubleshooting method, outline the things you must check and the questions you must ask when you arrive at the user’s office. Based on the possible responses to your questions, describe the actions you will take to correct the potential causes. (10 Marks) One of the users in our company reports me that she’s unable to log on to her email account. So, I asked her some questions- How long the duration of your user account? Do you sure the log on user name and password is correct. When it starts to unable to log on to your email? After I arrive at the user department, I check her computer and network. I also learn that she’s unable to print to a network printer. Probing some of the check, other users of this department can able to log on to their email account and can able to print. Therefore, I ask her a couple of quick questions again- What has changed since the last time you worked? Have you installed anything on your own? Are there applications on your computer that arent on other computers? Firstly, I check the power is plugged in, the Caps lock is on, all the cables are attached and network permissions for her computer. Then I check that she can get a connection online or not by browsing Google website and I see there is no connection online. So, I check the Ethernet cable and connection setting. In checking her problem, I document that what I do, so I can undo it if I need to. I use Ping to check the computer can contact an IP address of another PC or not. (Ping is the simplest and most useful diagnostic tool to become familiar with and well worth a few minutes experimentation.) The reply message is â€Å"Request timed out†. It is because of the connection or routing error. Then I restart the computer because 90% of all problems disappear when the computer is restart. To check the router, I Ping the local router, and it fails. So, the problem of the local LAN or the router is sure. Then, I find the router and switch to check the LED display. And I think they ar e not normal, so I switch the unit OFF, remove and immediately replace the power connection, then switch the unit ON. After it has done, I go back to the computer and retry to Ping the local router. I have successfully sent a message to the local router and receive a response. Then, I check the computer can get a connection online or not, and can able to browse the website or not. Then I see the computer successfully get a connection online. So, I check the email account can be able to log on or not and the printer can be able to print or not. Then I see the problems of the user are successfully solved. Task 3 Produce a Security Review report, which details the specific threats to network security for ALL of the topics identified in Task 1, namely Access Control, User Authentication, Firewalls, Virus Protection, and Accessing the Internet, along with your proposed solutions aimed at reducing the risks associated with each threat. (35 Marks) Access Control Access control can identify the users, and verify their identity through an authentication process so they can be held responsible for their actions. Good access control systems record and timestamp all communications and transactions so that access to systems and information can be audited later. The primary objective of access control is to preserve and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, systems, and resources. I use role-based access control and rule-based access control to identify the user. Role-based access control systems allow users to access systems and information based on their role within the organisation. It allows end-users access to information and resources based on their role within the organisation. Roles based access can be applied to groups of people or individuals. Rule-based access control systems allow users to access systems and information based on pre-determined and configured rules. Rules can be established that allow access to all end-users coming from a particular domain, host, network, or IP addresses. User Authentication User authentication is an important aspect of network computer security. For network computer, harm can be caused by hacking, malicious messages, viruses, malwares, adwares, email attachments, downloading illegal materials and many other types of activity. Moreover, the secret information of the company can be stolen by the attacker using spywares and Trojan horses. User authentication will reduce this harm by limiting individual’s access to a few systems, rather than the whole Internet. Network operating systems include tools that enable administrators to specify a number of options and restrictions on how and when users can log on to the network. There are options for password complexity requirements, logon hours, logon locations, and remote logons, among others. After a user is logged on, file system access controls and user permission settings determine what a user can access on a network and what actions a user can perform on the network. So I specify the numbers of options and policies for user authentication. I specify that the password is required for all users of the company, to use the company’s computer. The user password length must be typically a minimum of five to eight characters and user passwords must have three of these four characteristics: lowercase letters (such as abc), uppercase letters (such as ABC), numbers (such as 123), and special characters (such as [emailprotected]#). And I specify the policy that can lock the user account to prevent from logging on, when a user enters an incorrect password five times. According to the user account and password, I control which user can access to the network and what he/she can do on the network. Firewalls Firewalls protect against outside attempts to access unauthorized resources, and they protect against malicious network packets intended to disable or cripple a corporate network and its resources. Second use of firewalls placed between the internet and the corporate network is to restrict corporate user access to internet resources. Firewalls can identify and block remote access Trojans (Trojan horse). Trojan horse is a program that purports to be a useful software tool, but it actually performs unintended (and often unauthorized) actions or installs malicious or damaging software behind the scenes when launched. Sometimes get some program via ICQ or via IRC and believe this program to be something good, while in fact running it will do something less nice to the computer. Such program is called Trojan horses. The difference of a Trojan and a virus is that a virus has the ability to self-replicate and to distribute itself, while a Trojan lacks this ability. A special type of Trojan is Remote Access Trojans (RAT). These Trojans once executed in the victim’s computer, start to listen to incoming communication from a remote matching program that the attacker uses. When they get instructions from the remote program, they act accordingly, and thus let the user of the remote program to execute commands on the v ictim’s computer. Firewalls can identify and block remote communication efforts to the more common RAT and by thus blocking the attacker, and identifying the RAT. There are many other types of Trojan horses which may try to communicate with the outside from the computer. Whether they are e-mail worms trying to distribute themselves using their own SMTP engine, or they might be password stealers, or anything else. Many of them can be identified and blocked by a firewall. So, I run the firewall on the server and all the desktop computers to protect Trojans, malware, and to prevent users from accessing offensive Websites or bandwidth-intensive content that might not be the best use of an employee’s time or the network’s bandwidth. Firewall devices from different vendors vary quite a bit in configuration details, but they are all based on one premise: Rules are created to determine what type of traffic is allowed to enter and exit the network. To configure a firewall, I build rules that allow only certain packets to enter or exit the network. The firewall can examine all incoming packets and discard packets with a destination address of the network’s restricted segment. Virus Protection In internet-connected networks, virus attacks are a regular threat. Users download programs, bring disks from home, memory sticks, and open e-mail attachments are normal computing activities, but they can also bring viruses into the network. A virus is a program that spreads by copying itself into other programs or documents. Computer virus can attack computer systems and perform a variety of functions ranging from annoying to dangerous. Its individual purpose is to disrupt computer or network operation by deleting or corrupting files, formatting disks, or using large amounts of computer resources. If a server file accessed by other users on the network is infected, the virus can spread through the network in a matter of seconds. To protect the spread of viruses, one of the most effective ways is to buy virus-protection software from a reputable source. Antivirus software is program that can scan and remove known viruses which have contracted. Most antivirus software is also designed to detect and prevent worms and viruses. The software can also be set to automatically scan disks when inserted into the disk drive, scan files when downloaded from the Internet, or scan e-mail when received. However antivirus software is available in many commercial and open source versions, the license-version of the antivirus software from reputable source is more secure and reliable than others. So, I run the standard antivirus software from reputable source in server and every desktop computer, and turn-on the scanning features. But by running antivirus software can only protect against viruses that it knows about. Therefore, virus definition files (update files) for antivirus software are needed to download from the internet daily or weekly. To get the maximum protection against viruses on the computer, make sure to keep antivirus definition files current. Another way to protect the data from virus infection is â€Å"backup the files† which helps to recover the data if the original files infected by the virus. Accessing the Internet The internet access is the essential thing to communicate between internal or external organisation for many purposes. Thousands of companies have discovered the pervasive power of the Web in distributing information, selling products, supporting customer service, and staying in touch with clients and customers. By using the internet, we can get important business information which is necessary for competition and improvement of the company. However the internet is useful for us, but also the internet attack can harm the business. The internet attacks are organised and designed to steal information and resources from the customers and the organisation. Input validation attacks using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Active Server Pages (ASP), and Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) programs stem from either a web developer or vendor failure. The basic problem happens from the lack of sanitizing the input to a particular script. Without input validation and sanitizing, it is possible for attackers to submit a particular character, along with a local command, as a parameter and have the web server execute it locally. Sometimes, the virtual website of the attackers steals user information and user’s credit card details. If all kinds user can get permission to access the network, the private information of the organisation can be stolen by the attacker using the internet. So that I control the user access to the network resources by using access control and identifying the user account to verify the network permission for the user. Task 4 Create a set of Acceptable Use Policies for each of the following: Accessing the WWW Email Usage Instant Messengers and chat rooms Each of these documents should provide a set of guidelines for users which will minimise any associated security threats. (30 Marks) To minimise any potential risks and associated security threats of the organisation’s network, all the staff of the company should agree the following policies for accessing the World Wide Web, email usage, instant messengers, and chat rooms. All the staff has responsibility to use the resources in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner. In our organisation, access to the internet is available for the staffs to support informational, educational and communicable. So, staffs should agree the following internet access policies. Policies for accessing the WWW The use of Internet is strongly restricted to official company business†. Personal use or time spent for personal gain is strictly prohibited. Authorisation for Internet access must be obtained through your supervisor. Once authorisation is approved you are responsible for the security of your account password and you will be held responsible for all use or misuse of your account. You must maintain secure passwords and never use an account assigned to another user. Staffs are strongly prohibited to accessing internet websites that contain obscene, hateful, pornographic, politics or otherwise illegal material. Never copy or transfer electronic files without permission. Prohibit copying and sending any confidential or proprietary information, or software that is protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. Downloading a file or application from the Internet can bring viruses with it. Should be scan all downloaded files with standard virus prevention software before being saved on the company’s network. All downloaded applications must be accepted by the company’s IT administrator or company owner before being installed on the company’s network. Hacking into unauthorised areas and other employee’s computers are strictly prohibited. Confidential information is not to be transmitted over the internet without proper encryption. Introducing any form of computer virus or malicious software into the corporate network is strictly prohibited. Email usage policy Email is to be used for company business only. Company confidential information must not be shared outside of the Company without authorisation, at any time. When conducting company’s business, only use the company’s official email account for staff such as [emailprotected] Staffs are not to conduct personal business using the Company computer or email. All messages must show the genuine sender information (from where and from whom the message originated). The representation of yourself as someone else, real or fictional, or a message sent anonymously is prohibited. Emails for the purposes that violate company status or regulations, or for an illegal or criminal purpose may not be sent or forwarded through a company’s network. Management has the right to access all e-mail files created, received, or stored on company systems and such files can be accessed without prior notification. Email attachments can bring viruses, you should scan for virus after and before downloading the attachments with standard virus prevention software. Do not open any e-mail attachments if you do not recognize the sender. Forwarding of company confidential messages to external locations is strongly prohibited. Introducing any form of computer virus or malicious software into the corporate network is strictly prohibited. Policies for instant messengers and chat rooms Chats, also known as Internet Relay Chat (IRC), as well as Instant Messaging (IM), are very popular modes of quickly communicating with others. In using these IRC and IM, staffs should agree the following policies. These policies provide staffs with effective and consistent instant messaging (IM) use and content standards. Staffs are prohibited from downloading and using personal instant messenger software such as MSN or Yahoo to transmit messages via the public internet. All IM communications and information transmitted, received, or archived in the companys IM system belong to the company. The instant messaging and chatting system is intended for business use only. Staffs are prohibited from wasting computer resources, colleague’s time, or their own time by sending personal instant messages or engaging in unnecessary chat related to business. Treat messages as business records that may be retained and used as evidence in litigation, audits, and investigations. Always use professional and appropriate language in all instant messages. Staffs are prohibited from sending abusive, harassing, threatening, menacing, discriminatory, disrespectful, or otherwise offensive instant messages. Staffs may not use instant messengers and chat rooms to transmit confidential, proprietary, personal, or potentially embarrassing information about the company, employees, clients, business associates, or other third parties. Introducing any form of computer virus or malicious software into the corporate network is strictly prohibited. Task 5 Prepare and deliver a short presentation to your tutor using a presentation package like Power Point which summarises the major points in your Security Report and your proposed Acceptable Usage policies. (10 Marks) I prepare and deliver a short presentation to the tutor using a Power Point presentation which summarises the major points in my Security Report and my proposed Acceptable Usage policies. Network computerised system can contain various potential threats. To minise that risks, network security is required. In this presentation, I want to talk about five topics to configure network security Access Control User Authentication Firewalls Virus Protection Accessing the Internet Access control can control the user account and identify the user. It can verify user identity through an authentication process so users can be held responsible for their actions. Primary objective of access control is to preserve and protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, systems, and resources. I use role-based access control and rule-based access control to identify the user. Role-based access control systems allow users to access systems and information based on their role within the organisation. Roles based access can be applied to groups of people or individuals. Rule-based access control systems allow users to access systems and information based on pre-determined and configured rules. Rules can be established that allow access to all end-users coming from a particular domain, host, network, or IP addresses. User authentication can determine the identity of a network user. For network computer, harm can be caused by hacking, malicious messages, viruses, malwares, adwares, email attachments, downloading illegal materials and many other types of activity. User authentication can reduce this harm by limiting individual’s access to a few systems, rather than the whole internet. Network administrator can control user log on and specify user permission on the network. So, I configure some options and policies for user authentication. I specify that the password is required for all users of the company, to use the company’s computer. The user password length must be typically a minimum of five to eight characters and user passwords must have three of these four characteristics: lowercase letters (such as abc), uppercase letters (such as ABC), numbers (such as 123), and special characters (such as [emailprotected]#). And I specify the policy that can lock the user account to prevent from logging on, when a user enters an incorrect password five times. According to the user account and password, I control which user can access to the network and what he/she can do on the network. Firewalls protect against outside attempts to access unauthorised resources, and they protect against malicious network packets intended to disable or cripple a corporate network and its resources. And also use to restrict corporate user access to inter resources. Firewalls can identify and block remote access Trojans (Trojan horse). Network administrator can configure the rules for what type of traffic is allowed to enter and exit the network. The firewall can examine all incoming packets and discard packets. In internet-connected networks, virus attacks are a regular threat. Users download programs, bring disks from home, memory sticks, and open e-mail attachments are normal computing activities, but they can also bring viruses into the network. To protect the spread of viruses, one of the most effective ways is to buy virus-protection software from a reputable source. Antivirus software is program that can scan and remove known viruses which have contracted. Most antivirus software is also designed to detect and prevent worms and viruses. The software can also be set to automatically scan disks when inserted into the disk drive, scan files when downloaded from the Internet, or scan e-mail when received. But by running antivirus software can only protect against viruses that it knows about. Therefore, virus definition files (update files) for antivirus software are needed to download from the internet daily or weekly. To get the maximum protection against viruses on the computer, make su re to keep antivirus definition files current. Another way to protect the data from virus infection is â€Å"backup the files† which helps to recover the data if the original files infected by the virus. Accessing the internet is the essential thing to communicate between internal or external organisation. However the internet is useful for us, the internet attack can harm the business. The internet attacks are organised and designed to steal information and resources from the customers and the organisation. If all kinds user can get permission to access the network, the private information of the organisation can be stolen by the attacker using the internet. So that I control the user access to the network resources by using access control and identifying the user account to verify the network permission for the user. To minimise any potential risks and associated security threats of the organisation’s network, all the staff of the company should agree the policies for accessing the World Wide Web, email usage, instant messengers, and chat rooms. All the staff has responsibility to use the resources in an efficient, effective, ethical and lawful manner. Reference Web Reference Book Reference Title: Guide to Networking Essentials (Fifth Edition) Author Name: Greg Tomsho, Ed Tittel, David Johnson Access date time: 13 July 2009, 6:30 pm Title: Fundamentals of Hardware and Operating Systems (Operating System Technologies) A+ Fifth Edition Author Name: Charles J.Brooks Access date time: 15 July 2009, 5:00 pm Title: Fundamentals of Hardware and Operating Systems (Software Service Technicians) A+ Fifth Edition Author Name: Charles J.Brooks Access date time: 16 July 2009, 7:00 pm

Thursday, September 19, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Character Analysis :: essays research papers

TKAM   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many people in To Kill a Mockingbird that have significant influences of Scout and Jem’s actions. The two that stood out boldly to me, however, were Atticus and Calpurnia. Atticus, being the children’s father, tought his kids many moral lessons. Calpurnia acted as a mother to Jem and Scout. Throughout every chapter these two charactors were making connections that only parents can do. They both inflicted fundamental influence on the children. Atticus and Calpurnia were both essential charactors in supporting Jem and Scouts actions because they represented parental values needed for success in life; as does my father, who teaches me things no one else can.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Atticus was definitely a major role model for both his children because he was a well-mannered father. From the beginning of the novel until the end, his kids were trying to make him proud of them. â€Å"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand† (Pg. 116) is just one of the non-violent, influential lessons he told his children. One of the many ideas he tries to make clear to Scout throughout the novel is to not judge people, which is the primary conflict in the story. â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it† (Pg. 34) is yet another example. Atticus is the key authority in the lives of his two children. He clearly recognizes their problems, gives them the advice they need, and lets his children handle their problems. He is distinctly there for them everytime they need him. A tticus is an unparelelled charactor in making major impacts upon Scout and Jem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Calpurnia, although not as influential as Atticus, was more of an influence at the beginning of the novel. She loved Scout and Jem like her own children. Cal disciplined them like a mother, and loved them like a mother as well. By taking them to her church and telling Scout she could come to her house, she evidently crossed a barrier from â€Å"housemaid† to a friend or a guardian. â€Å"Folks don’t like to have somebody around knowin’ more than they do. It aggrevates ‘em† (Pg. 128) something she tells Scout about why she talks different around black friends than how she normally speaks. This is one of the many lessons Scout learned in the book.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free College Essays - Displays of Light in Paradiso :: Dante Paradiso Essays

Paradiso – Displays of Light Dante's ascension throughout the entire Divine Comedy, namely that of his last book, Paradiso, is notedly marked by the variant displays of light and how it effects the poets. Quintessential to the purpose of this entire poem is the depiction of Paradise as a realm of light that exists in nine spheres, whose proximity to God varies directly with their merit, shown by the first three lines, "The glory of Him who moveth everything /Doth penetrate the universe, and shine/ In one part more and in another less." (Dante, 293) In the closer spheres with the lesser radii, Dante notes the soft glowing lights, but as he approaches the centermost sphere, he attempts to describe the inexpressible gleaming of the vision of divinity, thus the recurrence of the theme of light running throughout the poem. The first appearance in the sequence of lighting occurs in Canto I where he refers to Paradise as "all that hemisphere was bathed in light/ The other dark." (Dante, 294) As he first enters heaven, he notes that its luminescence irradiates everything else around it, leaving it in total darkness. As he continues "Already did I rest content/ From great amazement; but am now amazed/ In what way I transcend these bodies light." (Dante, 297) But this would only be the beginning of the amazement. This central theme of light again appears in Canto XXIII, where Dante contemplates the symbolism of Christ as light. "Outshining myriad lamps beheld I then/ one Sun who kindled each and all, as ours/ kindles the stars that throng his high domain;/ and through the rays, poured down in living showers,/ the radiant substance, blazing on me, tried/ my mortal vision beyond my mortal powers." (Bergin, 111) Thus, Dante realizes that has been enlightened far beyond the length of what reason can describe. The final instance in the recurring sequence of lights occurs at the very end of the poem where he, "by a lightning flash my mind was struck/ And thus came the fulfillment of my wish.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Happy for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs Bennet got :: Free Essay Writer

Happy for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters.’Discuss the theme of marriage in this novel with particular reference to Mrs Bennet and her three daughters who marry. ‘Happy for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters.’ Discuss the theme of marriage in this novel with particular reference to Mrs Bennet and her three daughters who marry. ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.’(Chapter 1, p1). This is the opening line to the book which is an ironic opening which sets the tone and theme of marriage and social criticism. This quote could be translated to mean that any single woman without a fortune must be in need of husband that has one. In Austen’s time, marriage was almost necessary to be accepted by society. Woman had little power and could be seen as vulnerable. Austen demonstrates the inequality and injustices of genders present in 19th century English society. The novel demonstrates the practicalities of marriage and how often it is done for the wrong reasons. Entailment of the Longbourn estate is an extreme hardship on the Bennet family, and makes Mrs Bennet desperate to marry her daughters off. The entailment of Mr. Bennet's estate leaves his daughters in a poor financial situation which makes it more difficult for them to marry well. Throughout the novel, Austen tries to show that woman are equally as intelligent as men. She shows her views through the mind of Lizzy. Through the plot of the novel it is clear that Austen wants to illustrate how Elizabeth is able to be happy by refusing to marry for financial purposes to Mr Collins and marries a man whom she truly love. Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel. She is the second oldest of five and is an intelligent, quick-witted, sharp-tongued and bold woman who is good looking and has ‘fine eyes’. The importance of her eyes symbolizes her abilities of perception. She has pride in her abilities to notice the truth of situations and of people's characters. Lizzy is less concerned with wealth and stature of her place in society but believes in marrying for love. She turns down Mr Collins proposal as she does not love him and knows that she never will. Mr Darcy is a very wealthy aristocrat who is proud, superior and conscious of class differences at the beginning of the book who has a

GCSE statistics coursework

In this coursework I am going to investigate the affect that age has on the car. I am going to look at price, engine size, mileage, and age of the car. By the end of the coursework I am aiming to have a set of results about how the cars are affected by the age, price and mileage. My prediction should show that * As the car increases its price will decrease * The higher the mileage the price will decrease. Plan I am going to be collecting a sample of 100 cars. I will find mean, median, mode and range for some certain makes of cars, from the data I have been given. I will then represent my data by the following diagrams * Bar charts * Tally charts * Pie charts * Standard deviation (mean and mean deviation) * Scatter diagrams. The reason why I am doing so many diagrams is to give a clear understanding and also to give the reader a pictorial view about what is happening, and also I must say to get more accurate results. The diagrams would maintain a clear understanding and show what is happening to the cars and what people prefer according to their engine size. After each of the diagram I would explain how I did the diagram and what people prefer and why. I would compare the mean, median and mode to support my hypothesis. At the end of the coursework I would be doing a conclusion explaining what has happened and why. I am going to calculate the number of each type of car according to its age and mileage. I would provide my entire hypothesis to get more accurate results and also to include my prediction. I would provide me working on computer to avoid biased results and also to get more accurate results. I think doing my investigation on computer would give a better pictorial view than by hand. I predict that as the age of car increases the mileage would increase. I think that this is because an older car would have been driven more than a new car and therefore

Monday, September 16, 2019

Harnessing Solar Energy

Harnessing of Solar Energy: Photosynthesis versus Semiconductor Based Solar Cell Photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells are both used to harness solar energy from the sun – photosynthesis for plants and semiconductor based solar cells for human beings. Photosynthesis consists of light reactions and dark reactions. It is a process in which carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and light energy are utilized to synthesize an energy-rich carbohydrate like glucose (C6H12O6) and to produce oxygen (O2) as a by-product.Simply put, photosynthesis is a process that transfers energy from the sun (solar energy) into chemical energy for plants and animals. Photosynthesis is a vital process among plants, algae and some bacteria that are able to create their own food directly from inorganic compounds using light energy so that they do not have to eat or rely on nutrients derived from other living organisms. A semiconductor-based solar cell is devised to convert light to electric curr ent.The solar cell directly converts the energy in light into electrical energy through the process of photovoltaics (a field of semiconductor technology involving the direct conversion of electromagnetic radiation as sunlight, into electricity). Solar cells do not use chemical reactions to produce electric power, and they have no moving parts. Most solar cells are designed for converting sunlight into electricity. In large arrays, which may contain many thousands of individual cells, they can function as central electric power stations analogous to nuclear, coal-, or oil-fired power plants.The conversion of sunlight into electrical energy in a solar cell involves three major processes: absorption of the sunlight in the semiconductor material; generation and separation of free positive and negative charges to different regions of the solar cell, creating a voltage in the solar cell; and transfer of these separated charges through electrical terminals to the outside application in th e form of electric current. Comparisons Photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells both get their energy from the sun and convert it into a form that is needed either by plants or humans (Vieru, 2007). The first two steps of photosynthesis involve capturing photons released from the sun and using that energy to create a flow of electrons. From there, photosynthesis involves using that electrical energy to create chemical energy† (Stier, 2009). The products of photosynthesis are sugars to feed plants. Semiconductor-based solar cells also capture photons that use energy to create a flow of electrons which create electrical energy. A final similarity between photosynthesis and solar cell technology is that â€Å"a semi conductor has solar cells that trap energy from the sun and convert it into electricity.Plants have cells that trap energy from the sun and convert it into useful products† (Haile & O’Connell, 2005). Contrasts The first contrast is in the conv ersion of energy trapped by the sun – photosynthesis converts solar energy to chemical energy used by plants and semiconductor-based cells convert solar energy into electricity used by humans. The solar panels for semiconductors are manmade and photosynthesis comes from a natural process. Finally, photosynthesis has been around for billions of years making it the oldest technology on earth (Stier, 2009).Charles Fritts created the first solar panel in 1883 which means the semiconductor has been around for about 229 years – a mere zygote to photosynthesis. Thermodynamics Semiconductor-based solar cells and photosynthesis both use the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the study of the conversion of energy between heat and other forms, mechanical in particular and it has three laws. The first law of thermodynamics says that energy is conserved, it is neither created nor destroyed but can change form. This is called energy conservation.The second law of thermodynami cs says that systems always tend to be in states of greater disorder. As disorder in the universe increases, the energy is transformed into less usable forms. The third law of thermodynamics is usually stated as a definition: the entropy of a perfect crystal of an element at the absolute zero of temperature is zero. Thermodynamics apply to photosynthesis by plants transforming sunlight energy into food – this is an example of the first law. During the process of photosynthesis plants also lose energy because they to not convert all of he energy trapped from the sun into food. Some of the energy is lost in the process – this demonstrates the second law of thermodynamics. Plants needing to trap energy from the sun constantly demonstrates the final law of thermodynamics because the cycle is repeated. In semiconductor-based solar cells energy from the sun is converted to electricity – this is the first law. Because energy is lost in the conversion, the second law of thermodynamics is applied here. Finally, the cells have to continually obtain energy from the sun which obeys the third law of thermodynamics (Heckert, 2007).Solar energy has been around for billions of years whereas semiconductor-based solar cells have only been around a little over 200 years. In writing this, I have discovered that solar energy is harnessed by both photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells to convert energy into food and electricity to be used by plants and human beings. Both photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells utilize all three laws of thermodynamics by converting energy, losing energy, and trapping energy constantly. This shows the many similarities and differences between photosynthesis and semiconductor-based solar cells.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Lost Beautifulness

Diana Tello ENH 285 Englehart 22 Febuary 2012 Journal Entry #5: Anzia Yezierska’s â€Å"The Lost Beautifulness† Anzia Yezierska’s short story â€Å"The Lost Beautifulness,† is the portrayal of the common immigrant during the 1920’s in search of the â€Å"American dream. † The main character Hanneh Hayyeh is â€Å"tired of living like a pig,† so she does whatever it takes to fulfill her place in living this dream. Mrs. Hayyeh even idolizes her son and takes much pride in the fact that he’s in the army, fighting for her to live this dream. Another character that contributes to the way Mrs.Hayyeh perceives America is, Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. Peterson has it all; a beautiful house,stability, and money. One thing that Mrs. Peterson mentions to Mrs. Hayyeh that is very crucial is the word â€Å"democracy,† Mrs. Hayyeh completely misinterprets this word thinking that everyone in America can be financially equal. Mrs. Hayyeh has unre alistic expectations of this dream, and she later comes to realize that not everything is as good as it seems. â€Å"The Lost beautifulness,† is a story filled with many historical components.An obvious component that is seen from the start is the famous WWI, where we see Mrs. Hayyeh †worship† her son before he goes out and fights for America. Many men were drafted and took off to the war during these times, leaving behind the sad, but proud mothers. Another important historical component is â€Å"immigration,† where in the text we meet Mrs. Hayyeh, an Immigrant from Russia. A major factor that led to the rise of immigration during these times was to express freedom of religion, and feel the American Dream. Mrs.Hayyeh was a Jewish woman trying to escape oppressed Russia and coming to the U. S where she later realized that here days of oppressions were not over yet. The oppression she faced in the U. S had to do with the men in her life. First, she faces her cruel landlord who keeps increasing her rent on unjust terms. Mrs. Hayyeh relentlessly tries to fight this man’s cruel acts without any fear because she thinks America and â€Å"democracy,† will help her through, and she doesn’t know that like in her religion Women are suppressed figures here too. In the domestic sphere Mrs. Hayyeh has a raditional Jewish husband who hasn’t supported her in any way through her ambitious ideas, and when her world comes crumbling down, he abandons her and lets her know that â€Å"she should’ve listened to her husband. † Historically, and even today In the Judaism Religion, if a women wasn’t obedient to her husband, all hell would break loose. Not only Judaism but plenty of other religions indicate that a woman must obey her husband. Many men have taken advantage of that and in places like Africa, India, and even the United States domestic violence has alarmingly increased from the roots of these ideas. Humans are entitled to mistakes and choices and by no means should a man get a free pass to emotionally, verbally, or physically abuse a female. It is understandable that woman’s religious beliefs can be very strong but there is a fine line between religion and humanity. It is also imperative to understand that the religious interpretations that women receive, if any, are taught by men, so they may not even have credentials from the actual works of the text from the particular religion.These interpretations are likely altered to be at the convenience of the men, and women often have lack of knowledge which leads to their vulnerability. Many women believe they have to tolerate abuse because of the subservience they have towards their husbands. Slowly, here in the U. S we are managing to move away from this but today there are still many third world countries we’re trying to help progress, and break away from unreasonable perspectives.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Helen Burns in Jane Eyre

Though Helen Burns is a short- lived character, her appearance in the book is significant on a symbolic level. In the novel, Helen epitomizes religious devotion and Christian principles, with the idea of ‘love your enemies’ summarizing her beliefs.Helen’s religious beliefs define her character and are referenced to help demonstrate the missing relationships in her and Jane’s life, as a result of being orphaned. Her religious conduct provides a comfort to her, and later on a comfort to Jane when confronted with her dying friend.The friendship formed with Helen greatly affects Jane and teaches her a lot, including how to mask her passion. Helen is the first person we see Jane form a friendly and intimate relationship with, increasing the impact and significance of Helen’s death scene; which can be viewed as a pivotal moment in Jane’s life, and a possible symbol of the death of her passion. Helen’s references to religious teaching can be u sed in the novel to demonstrate missing relationship dynamics in the girl’s life and help explore the friendship that they form.For example, Helen refers to God as ‘maker, father, friend, universal parent. ’ It is significant that God has these roles, as they are foundation figures in life that the girl’s have fallen short of. It is possible that part of the appeal of God to Helena, and soon to Jane, is because these individuals are not present in their life.This would demonstrate and explain the importance of religion in Helen’s life and the comfort God brings to her. Similarly, Helen suggests that one of the appeals to God and religion is the opportunity it provides to create a relationship.When Helen tells Jane ‘I love him, I believe he loves me,’ she is presenting ides of reciprocity and balance in a relationship. These ideas are contrasted in the relationships Jane and Helen have experienced in Mrs Reed’s house, the orphanag e and at Lowood.However, this can be a reminder to us that these ideas are seen with in the relationship between Helen and Jane; emphasizing the importance of their friendship to each other and further increasing the heartbreak of her death for Jane. Helen represents a model of Christianity that stresses tolerance and acceptance.Helen’s compliant attitude to life is center to her character and is significant in the story as it has a great impact on Jane. Helen Burns is a character incapable of anger or vengeance. This can be seen through the bullying of Helen by Mrs. Scratcherd.As Jane observes Mrs. Sctratcherd continually ‘make her an object of constant notice’ she finally lashes out at Helen for not having cleaned her nails. Helen ‘without being told, unloosened her pinafore,’ and Mrs Scratcheard striked her a dozen times. Helen is unresponsive.Jane is confused by Helena’s patient response to mistreatment and later tells Helen that ‘If I were in your place, I should dislike her, I should resist her. ’ However, her ability to remain graceful and calm even in the face of (what Jane Sees as) unjustified punishment makes a great impression on Jane who ‘heard her with wonder’ as Helen explained the way she conducts herself. It is possibly through Helen Burn’s example that Jane learns to ‘mask’ her passion. As well as being an ideal for the Christian ethos, it could be said that the character of Helen Burns possesses Christ like characteristics.Helen’s suffering of rejection at Lowood can be compared to Jesus’ suffering of persecution. Furthermore, her response to suffering can be said to mirror those of Jesus. The idea of ‘Love your neighbor,’ summarizes Helen’s beliefs; she never passes judgment or rebels, and she seeks to forgive those who hurt her.This view of Helen should be noted as it links to and can emphasize the idea of Helen being a â €˜teacher’ to Jane, and the large impact that Helen will make on Jane’s life. While Jane and Helen are very dieeferent character’s, Jane very much feels she can relate to Helen and learns from her influence.Like Jane, Helen is an orphan who longs for a home. In the scene before her death, Helen tells Jane she is ‘going to my long home- my last home. ’ This is one example of the difference in the two girls beliefs. Helen believes that she will find her home in heaven rather than England.This conversation about life after death contrasts what adult’s in Jane’s life have taught her and similarly goes against Jane’s previous fears regarding ghosts, death and the supernatural. In this moment, however, we as the reader see Jane is  comfortable literally next to death, a concept she feared when living with the reads.This is the first intimate moment we see Jane experiencing- Jane is nestled in close to her friend, whose arm is aro und her. In this moment we feel Jane is contempt and comfortable. It is possible that Jane’s attitude to death was a fear of the unknown, which now Helen has made more familiar, therefor providing her with the strength to cope so close to death. Helen’s death can be seen symbolically on many levels.One interpretation of Helen’s death is that it symbolizes the death of Jane’s passion. The name ‘Helen Burns’ itself implies destruction, fire and burning. Fire is a recurring theme throughout the beginning of the book, which is referred to to represent the fiery and passionate nature of Jane’s character.As well as this, during the short friendship between Helen and Jane, we can notice the awe in which Jane has for the levelheaded attitude that Helena carries. Therefore, on both a literary and symbolic term, the death of Helen burns suggests death or destruction to Jane’s passion.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A contrast between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and the film Essay

A contrast between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and the film version directed by Franco Zeffirelli 1968 - Essay Example In the play, Romeo is in the process of recovering after being jilted by Rosaline (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 155). A rejected lover’s instinctive reaction is to find another love as soon as possible, and Romeo does this, becoming amorously involved with Juliet. The movie however does not depict or refer to Rosaline at all, thereby not laying the foundation as to why Romeo became involved with Juliet. The second difference is discernable in the portrayal of the lovers’ mood during the marriage scene. In the play, Romeo and Juliet are both in a serious mood, which is reflected by the way they speak (in Act II, Scene 6, Line 6 Romeo remarks that the Friar’s holy words were solemn enough to join his hand with Juliet’s in marriage. In the same scene {Lines 33/34 (}, Juliet declares that her love for Romeo has grown so much that she is not able to estimate even half of its rich value). In Zeffirelli’s movie the marriage scene is frivolous, with Romeo and Juliet shown kissing, cuddling and giggling all through it. The third difference is apparent in Juliet’s chamber during her funeral scene. In the play, although the Friar knows that Juliet is in fact not dead, still he maintains a deadpan expression throughout the funeral scene, properly condoling the Capulet family, telling them to dry their tears and prepare to bring Juliet’s body to the church for the last rites to be dispensed (Act IV, Scene 5, Lines 68-86 { romeo_juliet/full.html}). In the movie, the Friar almost lets out the secret that Juliet is not dead by being unable to control a giggle; luckily none of the mourners notices what would seem to them a strange act on the part of the holy man (Zeffirelli, Franco. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet {1968}).† The last difference lies in the final scene when the real funerals of Romeo and Juliet take place. In the play, the Montague and Capulet families bury